Autonomous referee software for detecting rule violations since 2014 and managing a full game since 2016.
Autonomous referee software for detecting rule violations since 2014 and managing a full game since 2016.
The electronics package includes schemas and layout of all electronics. They are designed with Autodesk EAGLE.
The code running on the microcontrollers of our robot. Projects are using Eclipse as IDE and the GNU GCC compiler. Each archive contains a PDF file with setup instructions.
CAD files and PDF drawings of all parts. 2011 files use CATIA. 2013 and 2014 files use Autodesk Inventor 2013. 2016, 2017, and 2018 files use Autodesk Inventor 2016. 2019 and 2020 files use Autodesk Inventor 2019.
The software framework is a software written in Java that runs on any PC. It contains the central AI and is responsible for receiving camera data, filtering the data and communicating with the robots by calculating decision in the AI.
All TDPs and ETDPs written for RoboCup qualifications.
Seminar Papers and Theses written in the context of TIGERs.